From Tuggeranong United
Opprtunities are still available for the 2017 Men’s NPL14s squad at Tuggeranong United, and they have added two additional trial dates. If you are a motivated footballer turning 13 or 14 in 2017 and your want to show your stuff in the PS4 National Premier League, head down to Kambah 3 on Tuesday the 10th and Thursday the 12th January.
At Tuggies our squad is an integrated part of our broader NPL program, which is renowned for our player development and strong club culture. Our coaching team of Stan Mitchell and Paul Hayward are the most experienced at this level in the region. Aspiring players should attend the additional trials in January, or contact Stan on 0423 060 737.
TUFC NPL14 Trials
Tuesday 17 and Thursday 19 January 2017, 6:30pm – 8pm
Kambah 3 Playing Fields, Kett St Kambah.