Sportsground Availability

All sportsground facilities are available to be booked within defined seasonal periods. ACT Sport and Recreation has adopted two sporting seasons. These are:

Summer: 1 October to 17 March

Winter: 1 April to 16 September

Maintenance Shutdown Period

All sportsgrounds, with the exception of Nicholls 1 and Pearce 2 (synthetic playing surface) are closed biannually to allow staff to maintain a quality playing surface at all facilities. This work includes the erection/removal of goal posts and field renovation work. To carry out the programmed maintenance all ACT Government natural turf sportsgrounds will be closed for the last 14 days of each season (18-31 March and 17-30 September).

Contact Sportsgrounds

(02) 6207 5141 or (02) 6207 5142.

Wet Weather Hotline (for ground closure information): (02) 6207 5957

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