Capital Football would like to congratulate the local referees involved with the FFA Futsal National Championships which was held in Sydney between January 3rd and January 8th 2017. This year 17 Capital Football referees were involved – the biggest ACT referee team at the Futsal Nationals to date!
On the 3rd January, all the Capital Football referees made the long early drive to Valentine Sports Park (VSP) to participate in the pre-tournament seminar and complete the FIFA Futsal Referee Fitness test. This was followed by checking into the accommodation and then going back to VSP to watch the first game of the tournament which was refereed by Australia’s FIFA Futsal Referees.
Over the next 4 days, the Capital Football referees were spread out across four different venue, VSP, the Centre Dural, Penrith Valley Regional Sports Centre and Blacktown Leisure Centre, usually refereeing 7 to 8 games a day starting 9:00am and not finishing until 8:00pm under hot challenging conditions.
Being rewarded for all their hard work and good performances over the tournament, all 17 Capital Football referees were appointed to various roles on the Grand Final day held at the Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre on Sunday 8th January.
The Capital Football referees involved in the 2017 Futsal Nationals were:
James Nikoladis (Team Manager)
Georgia Ghirardello (Co-team Capitan)
Hamish Driver-Rae (Co-team Capitan)
Cameron Shelton
Eamon White
Fergus White
Nathan Pitt
Tara Gilfillan
Hope O’Leary
Matthew Ryan
Julian Nichols
Oscar Enright
Damon Van Putten
Lawrence Atkin
Thomas Stewart
Gareth Biggs
Duncan McLaren