Kevin Keane
600 hot drinks and almost one thousand cooked meals. That’s the incredible number of coffees, hot chocolates, bacon and egg rolls and sausage sandwiches that are prepared and delivered by the mighty group of canteen volunteers at Gungahlin United Football Club every Saturday during the winter season. Canteen Manager Keven Keane has been named August’s Capital Chemist Volunteer of the Month.
600 hot drinks and almost one thousand cooked meals.
That’s the incredible number of coffees, hot chocolates, bacon and egg rolls and sausage sandwiches that are prepared and delivered by the mighty group of canteen volunteers at Gungahlin United Football Club every Saturday during the winter season.
“It’s simply not possible without some incredible volunteers and wonderful friends, including Paul, Nicole, Jacob, Ella, Hong and the whole canteen crew,” Canteen Manager Kevin Keane told Capital Football.
“The GUFC canteen serves around 1,000 patrons in what is ultimately seven hours of service,”
“In 2021 we have had a stack of fantastic volunteers come through to join the regular canteen crew.”
Each week, Kevin Keane checks in with the eight suppliers to ensure stock in available, before kicking off his 11-hour day.
It’s effort like that has seen him be recognised by his club and Capital Football, named August’s Capital Chemist Volunteer of the Month.
“It’s quite a shock, I am thrilled that GUFC gets the recognition,” Kevin said.
“It is such a great club run by amazing and dedicated volunteers.”
Nothing made this more apparent then in the week that the ACT lockdown was announced.
Kevin had already completed his canteen shopping when news broke that sport was suspended.
With a van full of food and milk but no canteen to open, Kevin and the club’s Head of Commercial donated it to those in need.
“Our Exec kicked into gear and contacted Garry Malhotra from Ken Behrens Helping Hands and a van full of food was delivered to help him feed Canberra.
“With around 8kg of kranskies, 20kg of sausages, 20kg of bacon, 15 dozen eggs and a stack of hotdogs, pies and sausage rolls we’re proud to say we’ve helped to be part of this fantastic cause.”