Assessors are the coaches of referees. By improving the development of our assessors we can improve the quality of our referees.

Referee assessors play a crucial role in the development of referees. The broad aims of the assessors’ programs are to enable participants to:

  • develop an awareness of the role of the referee assessor;
  • recognise the need for career long development of referees; and
  • provide assesors with the basic tools, practices and policies they need to carry out their roles effectively.

The assessor programs prepare assessors to work initially at a development level through to full assessment and coaching techniques for elite match officials.

There are three assessor qualifications in the assessor training program:

  • Level 3 Assessor
  • Level 2 Assessor
  • Level 1 Assessor

Referee Assessor Level 3

The Level 3 Assessor course is the entry level course for referees who are interested in mentoring and coaching referees at a grassroots level.

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