As part of Capital Football NPL & CPL Competitions, players that are potentially disadvantaged from a physical perspective, due to later biological maturity, may be eligible to play in a lower age-category. Although players may be similar in terms of chronological age, their biological age can vary substantially, by as much as 5 years, due to the timing of their adolescent growth spurt. Late developers can be significantly disadvantaged from a physical standpoint (height, weight, speed, strength). To identify those players who may be late-developing players, Capital Football has implemented the below process.
Firstly, clubs and/or parents can self-assess a player’s maturity classification using the resources on this page. Should the player be deemed a late developer, they can be registered for the second step of the process, which is a verification assessment conducted by Canberra Physio Clinic.
Testing for the 2024 Season will be conducted at:
Canberra Physio Clinic, Woden, ACT, (02 6189 5440). The dates are as follows:
Please see the video tutorials here to assist in the correct measurements necessary to estimate the player’s biological maturation category. Accurate measurements of the player’s height, weight and their sitting height are required, in addition to the player’s date of birth, gender, and the date upon which the aforementioned measurements were collected. The three short video tutorials provide information on how to conduct these measurements, which should be collected in metric units (cm and kg). The data recorded can then be inserted into the on-line calculator below. Please carefully follow the procedures in the videos, and double-check that the data is inserted into the calculator appropriately, as subtle errors can have a significant effect on the results.
The following information seeks to clarify the eligibility of players for the 2024 Season in relation to Biological Maturation Approved Players:
Players assessed as Late Developers:
Players Assessed as “on time developers” or “early developers”
Team Eligibility for 2024
Below are the age groups for which the Biological Maturation principle will apply for the 2024 season:
Current Squad Numbers:
Below you will be able to find Assessment Instructions to determine if a player is eligible for one of the testing days.
The below calculator will provide two results, the estimated age at peak height velocity (APHV) and the maturation category (early, on-time or late developer). The age at peak height velocity is an estimate of when the player did or is predicted to go through the most intensive phase of the adolescent growth spurt. Some players will have already been through the growth spurt, others are yet to do so. To categorise their maturation status, the APHV is cross-referenced with normative data for boys and girls. The age criteria used to categorise biological maturation is as follows:
APHV <13.5 = early
APHV 13.5-14.5 = on-time
APHV >14.5 = late
For Boys, an on-time maturer is someone who goes through PHV between 13.5 to 14.5 years of age. If a Player is assessed as having gone through PHV before 13.5 years of age, they will be deemed an early maturer (relative to the normal population) and will be required to play in their age group. If a Player is assessed as expected to go through PHV after 14.5 years of age, they will be deemed a late developer and will be entitled to play down one age group.
APHV <11.5 = early
APHV 11.5-12.5 = on-time
APHV >12.5 = late
For Girls, an on-time maturer is someone who goes through PHV between 11.5 to 12.5 years of age. If a Player is assessed as having gone through PHV before 11.5 years of age, they will be deemed an early maturer (relative to the normal population) and will be required to play in their age group. If the Player is assessed as expected to go through PHV after 12.5 years of age, they will be deemed a late developer and will be entitled to play down one age group.
Should the player be classified as a late developer, the player can register for an assessment with Canberra Physio Clinic. If confirmed as a late-developer by CF, the player has the option to register in a lower-age category, however we recommend that the technical directors, coaches, players and parents consider carefully the implications of competing at a lower age-category. In border-line cases where the player is close to the late-maturer cut-off (APHV >14.4 for boys, and > 12.4 for girls), players can also register for verification assessment by Canberra Physio Clinic.
For all enquires please contact