#PlayinPurple returns bigger and better than ever in 2022, with #PlayinPurple weekends for local clubs on June 18/19 and 25/26.
Players and clubs across the ACT are encouraged to participate with a simple change of your local club socks to purple socks for one weekend to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer.
#PlayinPurple is now in its 8th year and continues to grow across Australia, being embraced by football players from all codes ages and geographies, all passionately playing in purple socks on a weekend of their local season to raise critical awareness for pancreatic cancer.
Find out more about the campaign here: https://pankind.org.au/take-action/playinpurple/
Key information for the 2022 campaign:
- #PlayinPurple runs on three weekends of June 18/19 or 25/26 (clubs choose their round to play in purple socks)
- All players, clubs and codes are encouraged to participate Australia wide, with a simple change of your local club socks to purple socks for one weekend!
- PanKind purple socks are $15 per pair and the funds raised will go directly toward pancreatic cancer research
- Players can choose to wear the 2021 socks and simply make a donation
- A #PlayinPurple pack including a social media guide is provided to each club. Campaign hashtags #playinpurple #pancreaticcancer @pankindfoundation
- Clubs and associations are able to make a direct donation to PanKind.
- The online store will open when the campaign is launched in early April.
- Clubs can contact us for support and to order in bulk for your players. Express your interest
via email: playinpurple@pankind.org.au